Before, during and in between our Sunday services we have teams of people who work together to create meaningful worship experiences at St. Paul’s
Acolytes are the service participants who carry the crosses, candles, and other items in procession, and who help in a number of important ways throughout the service. Becoming an acolyte is a great way to get involved and to learn more about Episcopal worship.

Altar Guild
Altar Guild members serve as God’s stewards by preparing the Lord’s Table. This lay ministry is a vital offering of time and talent that makes possible worship at St. Paul’s. It’s also meant to provide inspiration and fellowship to those who serve in this enriching capacity.

Brass Ensemble
St. Paul’s is proud to feature a most impressive St. Paul’s Festival Brass Ensemble that includes trumpets, French horns, and an euphonium (look it up!). Instrumentalists are asked to help on special occasions throughout the year.

Bread Bakers
Volunteers do exactly what the title says – bake bread! The bread is made according to a special recipe and is used for communion. Bakers provide bread approximately two times per month.

St. Paul’s Choir is the backbone of the music program, singing weekly at the 9:30 am service. The choir welcomes anyone who enjoys singing (music reading not required) and can regularly attend Thursday evening 7:30 rehearsals and Sunday morning services. Highlights of the year include a service of Advent Lessons and Carols on the Sunday before Christmas, and other Feast Day celebrations. The choir sings a broad range of choral literature, from chant to gospel, occasionally with brass or guitar
Cup Bearers
A cup bearer is a lay minister who assists the clergy with the serving of communion. Sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means for receiving God’s grace. Baptism and Eucharist are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his church.

Eucharistic Visitors
The bishop licenses Lay Eucharistic ministers to administer the consecrated bread and wine at any celebration of the Eucharist in the absence of a sufficient number of priests and deacons to assist the celebrant. These ministers may also be licensed to go from a Eucharist to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration due to illness or infirmity. Training is required.
Flower Guild
These talented individuals are assigned certain weeks for creating flower arrangements for both the church and the chapel. Each person chooses the colors and flowers they like, keeping in mind the season of the church year, or family preference for weddings or memorials. Individuals purchase the flowers and are reimbursed by the church. Flowers for Sunday worship are usually arranged on Friday or Saturday morning.

Handbell Choir
Our handbell choir accompanies special services and holidays. We have a three-octave set of Malmark handbells. If you are interested in playing handbells please contact us.
Joyful Noise
Joyful Noise is a 30-minute worship service for our youngest members and their parents. It follows a modified order of worship and Eucharist, and with members providing “joyful noise” with enthusiastic singing and musical instruments. Adults provide accompaniment on piano and guitar.

A lector is a lay person, trained in reading scripture, who is appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a reader.

Prayers of the People
St. Paul’s invites individuals to write and read the Prayers of the People, which are the intercessions in the Eucharist. Prayers of the people are written according to the outline in the Book of Common Prayer, p. 359, and according to the forms beginning on page 383. Prayers of the People are sometimes read by the subdeacon.
St. Paul’s Concert Series
The St. Paul’s Concert Series is an outreach ministry with the mission to bring world-class performances to our local community.The Series produces a concert once per month. Each of our concerts is like a gem created for the community. Producing the Concert Series includes a large spread of activities, including graphic design of our flyers and social media marketing, and concert night tasks, such as welcoming the performers, sound and stage set-up, greeting concert attendees, and take-down afterwards! We invite anyone who has an interest in helping with our concerts to volunteer.
Church ushers play an important role at St. Paul’s. They ensure a smoothly running service; in addition to greeting people at the door and providing them with a service leaflet, they bring forward to the altar the offerings of bread, wine, and money. They assist with seating for those with mobility issues, and notify clergy of individuals who will receive communion while seated among the congregation. Ushers provide hospitality by greeting individuals with a welcoming and generous spirit for all who enter the church, especially the stranger. By their presence, the ushers guide us to the open door of the temple of God.

A verger is a lay minister who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship, especially in the marshaling of processions.